Big Media's "Hillary Factor" vs. Democracy
It's Spring 2005 and corporate media has decided who the Democratic nominee will be for 2008. Now, the media folks will tell us it's all "speculation" and so forth, but the fact is they have decided Hillary Clinton is the star of their script in the next presidential campaign. They've got their script in hand and everything - EVERYTHING - involving the Democratic Party or progressive issues, in general, will be forced to fit that script.
Words cannot adequately explain just how offended I am about this, and I do not offend easily. The corporate media itself will call their Hillary obsession "speculative" and they'll talk about how silly it is and then they will do it anyway.
But the corporate media's "Hillaryism" is neither speculative nor silly. It is an example of how they serve as the long, muscular, unofficial arm of the Republican Party. Their transparent attempt to influence the Democratic nomination process should be viewed as nothing less than a direct assault on democracy itself.
Based on what I'm seeing today in the liberal blogosphere, as a group, we have already fallen into the trap by furthering the "speculative" horse race propaganda laid out before the American people.
Liberal bloggers have a very real responsiblity to recognize and expose the corporate news media's attempt to corrupt the democratic process. This is something we can do together. We can STOP this naked attempt by the corporate media to choose our representation, but we must do so with ONE VOICE. Join me in calling for solidarity on this very important issue. Spread the word:
As it stands today and for the foreseeable future, Republicans enjoy - without press scrutiny - the advantage of blackbox voting and brazenly unethical voting officials willing to engage in fraud to get GOP candidates "elected." The corporate media CANNOT be allowed to pre-ordain the Democratic nominee for president in 2008, and it falls to US - you and me - to call them on it each and every time they attempt to do so.
If you disagree with the gist of this post, let me just remind you the corporations which decide what is news have an agenda, and it is profoundly foolish to underestimate the detrimental effects of that agenda. Three years of every member of America's Royal Punditry obsessing on Hillary Clinton as the nominee WILL have an effect on the Democratic Primary. Better to recognize the hazard now and make a serious attempt to mitigate its effects beforehand than complain about it after the fact when there's absolutely nothing we can do.
Words cannot adequately explain just how offended I am about this, and I do not offend easily. The corporate media itself will call their Hillary obsession "speculative" and they'll talk about how silly it is and then they will do it anyway.
But the corporate media's "Hillaryism" is neither speculative nor silly. It is an example of how they serve as the long, muscular, unofficial arm of the Republican Party. Their transparent attempt to influence the Democratic nomination process should be viewed as nothing less than a direct assault on democracy itself.
Based on what I'm seeing today in the liberal blogosphere, as a group, we have already fallen into the trap by furthering the "speculative" horse race propaganda laid out before the American people.
Liberal bloggers have a very real responsiblity to recognize and expose the corporate news media's attempt to corrupt the democratic process. This is something we can do together. We can STOP this naked attempt by the corporate media to choose our representation, but we must do so with ONE VOICE. Join me in calling for solidarity on this very important issue. Spread the word:
Democrats - NOT BIG MEDIA - will choose our nominee.
As it stands today and for the foreseeable future, Republicans enjoy - without press scrutiny - the advantage of blackbox voting and brazenly unethical voting officials willing to engage in fraud to get GOP candidates "elected." The corporate media CANNOT be allowed to pre-ordain the Democratic nominee for president in 2008, and it falls to US - you and me - to call them on it each and every time they attempt to do so.
If you disagree with the gist of this post, let me just remind you the corporations which decide what is news have an agenda, and it is profoundly foolish to underestimate the detrimental effects of that agenda. Three years of every member of America's Royal Punditry obsessing on Hillary Clinton as the nominee WILL have an effect on the Democratic Primary. Better to recognize the hazard now and make a serious attempt to mitigate its effects beforehand than complain about it after the fact when there's absolutely nothing we can do.
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