Death in Iraq... and, now, the weather!
ABC "News"
HILLAH, Iraq Mar 1, 2005 — Weeping and beating their chests, hundreds of Iraqis inspected corpses at a hospital morgue in Hillah on Tuesday, looking for friends and relatives missing in a suicide bombing that killed at least 120 people, the single deadliest attack in the two-year insurgency.
The toll rose as hospital officials said at least five succumbed to wounds overnight. More than 140 others were injured in the blast, which targeted mostly Shiite police and National Guard recruits lined up for physicals at a medical clinic.Aljazeera
A bomber has killed 125 people and wounded 130 by detonating an explosives-laden car near police recruits in a crowded market south of Baghdad.
The bomber blew the car up next to a line of recruits waiting at a health centre to take an eye test so they could join the Iraqi police in the town of al-Hilla, 100km south of the capital, witnesses said.
Many of those killed were at the market across the road, and were caught in the blast as they shopped.
Can't you just feel the concern emanating from Washington, D.C., and the American Heartland? Do you think maybe this incident underscores the wanton disregard for the security of the very Iraqi citizens whom the American people are being told will be ready "very soon" to assume the bulk of responsibility for stabilizing Iraq?
Let's get something straight. While there are undoubtedly many Iraqis who stood in that line as patriots, there were at least just as many who were there risking life and limb to get a paycheck so they could eat and provide for their families, regardless of the civic motivation or lack thereof. It's hardly a secret that Iraqis standing in line for government jobs are sitting ducks. Yet, in slips a Mitsubishi loaded with explosives and - just like that - they're slaughtered and maimed.
No big loss for the Americans, though, is it? Because as long as Iraqi citizens are jobless and hungry, rest assured there will be no shortage of applicants. If the fox gets your chickens, get more chickens. Better luck, next time, guys!
On a different level, but also horrific, is the apparent newsworthiness of this event. Sure, it gets an ever so brief mention by the American toady press... but it says something that when perusing Google headlines this a.m., I had to actually click on the "World" news tab to find the story; even then, it was the ninth - yes, NINTH, story listed. That's what over a hundred and twenty dead Iraqi civilians merits in the Land of Bush. Because any meaningful discussion of this sickening event would illuminate the apparent disregard occupation forces have for the safety and welfare of the very Iraqis who would assume responsibility for the security of Bush's Iraq.

American forces provided tight security during that "historic election" we keep hearing so much about because failing to do so would've made George W. Bush look very bad. So why don't we make the same effort for Iraqis who cue up for government jobs? Actions speak louder than words, especially in the Bush World.
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