February is PILL MONTH
Political purists who eschew the cultural and the personal will be disappointed to learn that February is PILL MONTH at the Carnival of Horror. It's also Black History Month, but I'm more familiar with pills.
Smart pills, happy pills, suicide pills. Sordid anecdotes, Big Pharma, research, law & order, public health - it's all on the table. Readers are invited to share stories and tips, so click on the Valium below to send me an email - and don't jack with the subject line or it'll likely find its way to the spam pile.
Smart pills, happy pills, suicide pills. Sordid anecdotes, Big Pharma, research, law & order, public health - it's all on the table. Readers are invited to share stories and tips, so click on the Valium below to send me an email - and don't jack with the subject line or it'll likely find its way to the spam pile.
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