De-scandalizing Bush

Is it any surprise the whore press is trying to make the fake reporter scandal at the White House disappear by characterizing it as a gay-baiting story? Nothing to see here, they say; just a bunch of big fat meany liberal bloggers eager to embarass the infallibly heroic George W. Bush.

Unfortunately for the people of the United States, most of whom deserve better, the fake reporter scandal will quickly dissipate as planned because public discussion of Bush's Propaganda Operation is verboten among the talking heads who are paid very well to tell Americans what to think. These blowhards aren't simply aware of the real story -- they are the story, and their conspicuous attempt to mischaracterize the fake reporter scandal is typical of how they regularly succeed in covering up something much more sinister.

To the White House press corp, I have one request. If Osama Bin Laden happens to be in the room with you guys during Bush's next press conference, maybe you could make mention of that, okay? Now, now, now. I know what you're gonna say. "Shame on you, Arvin. How dare you try to use the Beltway press to push your blatant prejudice against Arabs!" And it's not like that, I swear. I'd just like to know if Bin Laden is covering White House press conferences because - guess what - that would be newsworthy. Just like it's newsworthy that J.D. Guckert was likely used to blow the cover of CIA agent Valerie Plame with the help of Karl Rove. You remember Karl Rove, don't you? Sure you do. He's the guy who put the decapitated horse head in your bed when you first got that sweet White House gig.
Lipstick on a Pig: Karl Rove

No matter how strongly Bush's bootlickers in the Royal Punditry proclaim the Guckert story a gay witch hunt led by disgruntled leftists, the real story here is how Bush systematically lies to the American people by using a complex system of propaganda so effective it dwarfs the celebrated marketing accomplishments of Madison Avenue. Considering most of the "news" media is in on this sorry little joke, it's no surprise they don't think you're smart enough to ever hold them accountable for their role in it.
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