Fuck you, Larry. Now apologize.
The madness of King George W. was on display since well before he fatally plunged the knife into our dying republic. Where was Larry Wilkerson then?
Wittingly or unwittingly, he was taking sides against the American people, that's where.
The we were used angle that former Bush loyalists fall back on is itself maddening. They were used because they stepped up to this criminal administration and said "At your service. Use me."

Choice quotes from Colin Powell's former right hand man.
Some were true believers. Others were careerists. The distinction is meaningless.
The fact remains, Larry Wilkerson helped sell this illegal, immoral, indefensible war to the American public and the world.
Larry Wilkerson had blind faith in the cabal of Presidents Cheney & Bush and it didn't matter - not one bit - that there were millions of us screaming at the tops of our lungs that blind faith wasn't enough to justify slaughtering and maiming thousands of human beings.
Larry Wilkerson wasn't serving his country. He was working in tandem with Beltway war mongers, apocalypse-lovin' theofascists and PNAC aristocrats who don't give a flying fuck how much blood is spilled so long as our habitual plundering of other nations' natural resources continues unabated.
Larry Wilkerson said "YES!" to smashing our star-spangled knobby boot on the throats of the Iraqi people for the aggrandizement of murderous necrophiliacs and looters moonlighting as heads of state.
Larry Wilkerson spent a lifetime trying to make America secure. The cold, unforgiving reality is this: Because of Larry Wilkerson and people like him, America is now the number one manufacturer of foreign terrorists. The colonel and his former bosses have assured a plague of bloody mayhem for decades to come.
From one vet to another, thanks for nothing, Larry. May your shame be everlasting.
Wittingly or unwittingly, he was taking sides against the American people, that's where.
The we were used angle that former Bush loyalists fall back on is itself maddening. They were used because they stepped up to this criminal administration and said "At your service. Use me."

Choice quotes from Colin Powell's former right hand man.
"My wife would probably shoot me if I headed to the ballot box with a Republican vote again. This is not a Republican administration, not in my view. This is a radical administration."
On the 100+ deaths of enemy detainess: "Murder is torture. It's not torture lite."
"This is really a very inept administration. As a teacher who's studied every administration since 1945, I think this is probably the worst ineptitude in governance, decision-making and leadership I've seen in 50-plus years. You've got to go back and think about that. That includes the Bay of Pigs, that includes -- oh my God, Vietnam. That includes Iran-contra, Watergate."
On chickenhawks Dick Cheney, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and Paul Wolfowitz: "None of these guys ever heard a bullet go by their ears in combat."
"Here we are with a failure in Iraq, a massive failure. Not only an intelligence failure, but it looks like it's gonna be a real failure on the ground. How do you suddenly transform that? Well, you suddenly become a Jacobin yourself, you're suddenly for this messianic spread of freedom and democracy around the world. You're suddenly an advocate of all things that John F. Kennedy was an advocate of: 'We will bear any burden, pay any price.' You've discarded John Quincy Adams, who said we're the friends of liberty everywhere, the custodians only of our own. And you've suddenly said, 'I'm the custodian of the whole world's liberty, and by God if you don't realize it I'm going to bring it to you -- and if I have to bring it to you at the point of a gun, that's the way I'm going to bring it to you!' ")
On Powell's proposed alternatives to invading Iraq: "Those alternatives did not entail the use of force, or they did not entail the use of force immediately. And when he was made aware of the decision otherwise, he became the good soldier that he was. I know how he operates and he would have decided, 'Okay, I lost, and now I'll carry out the decision as best I can' -- and make it seem like it was his decision."
"He walked into my office, and he said to me, musing and looking out across the greenery there toward National Airport -- I wrote it down on my calendar, that's the reason I know what he said -- 'I wonder what will happen if we put half a million troops on the ground, and scour Iraq from one corner to the other, and find no weapons of mass destruction?' And he left that rhetorical question hanging in the air as he went back into his office."
"Combine the detainee abuse issue with the ineptitude of post-invasion planning for Iraq, wrap both in this blanket of secretive decision-making . . . and you get the overall reason for my speaking out."
"My wife said to me: 'You have two choices, my man. You can think more about him or you can think more about your country. I suggest you do the latter.' "
Some were true believers. Others were careerists. The distinction is meaningless.
The fact remains, Larry Wilkerson helped sell this illegal, immoral, indefensible war to the American public and the world.
Larry Wilkerson had blind faith in the cabal of Presidents Cheney & Bush and it didn't matter - not one bit - that there were millions of us screaming at the tops of our lungs that blind faith wasn't enough to justify slaughtering and maiming thousands of human beings.
Larry Wilkerson wasn't serving his country. He was working in tandem with Beltway war mongers, apocalypse-lovin' theofascists and PNAC aristocrats who don't give a flying fuck how much blood is spilled so long as our habitual plundering of other nations' natural resources continues unabated.
Larry Wilkerson said "YES!" to smashing our star-spangled knobby boot on the throats of the Iraqi people for the aggrandizement of murderous necrophiliacs and looters moonlighting as heads of state.
Larry Wilkerson spent a lifetime trying to make America secure. The cold, unforgiving reality is this: Because of Larry Wilkerson and people like him, America is now the number one manufacturer of foreign terrorists. The colonel and his former bosses have assured a plague of bloody mayhem for decades to come.
From one vet to another, thanks for nothing, Larry. May your shame be everlasting.
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