Today's Magic Word is INCLUSIVE
Not surprising to hear Obama exalting Reagan. Ah, yes... the excesses of the 60’s and 70’s. As Barry Crimmins responded in an exchange at The Field: "Like what? The civil rights, peace and environmental movements? Thank goodness Ronald Reagan turned us back from those dangerous paths."
How fortunate we are to live in these enlightened, moderate times. Thirty years ago, no one could have foreseen Americans being liberated from wretched excess in 2008. You've come a long way, baby.
Pick a card, any card. Whether it's Social Security, National Security or, as with his recent case of name-dropping Saint Ronnie and all those nasty "excesses" of 60s & 70s, Cultural Security, Obama can be counted upon to adopt the prevailing right wing narrative.
This is the very definition of a serious and electable candidate. The prenuptial contract required for ascendancy. The reason I don't care who wins the Democratic primary. And why I expect an impressive spectacle of chaos and disorder in the streets of Denver at coronation time, regardless of who prevails.
Obama's supporters call this inclusiveness. That’s a little too “inclusive” for me. Contrary to what most Democratic voters are all too eager to assert, inclusiveness is a paper-maché word, not a virtue. Like its paper-maché cousin, the candy-stuffed piñata, inclusiveness conceals its rewards until it is busted open as the party reaches its high point, at which time votes and cash (an artificial distinction if ever there was one) rain down on the jubilant, virtuous supporters.

Obama may become the first black president. But he sure as hell won't be the first human hologram to reach the pinnacle of executive ordination. Nor the last. It's a prerequisite for the job.
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