Move On: Anti-War "not a winner"
I am in complete agreement with David Cogswell has marshalled millions of Americans in support of a liberal agenda - in large part, by pointing out just how "spineless" our Democratic leaders are. Now that they've gotten they've assembled a formidable force, is following in the footsteps of cowardice, refusing to stand on principle despite the blinding consequences of not opposing Bush's war against the Iraqi people. Shame on them.

For those of us who recognize just how important developing an anti-war movement is, contributions are better invested in The Ruckus Society, an organization which unequivocally does NOT shirk its moral obligations simply because a particular issue "is not a winner."
Not a winner. I could not be more disgusted with, and would hope MoveOn supporters think twice about how their contributions are being used - or more importantly, not used.
As GNN contributor Norman Solomon writes, nowhere is the left's abandonment of the antiwar movement more clear than in MoveOn's agenda. One MoveOner explained to me that weekend in Maryland, social security is their number one issue for 2005 because 'it's an issue we can win.' Iraq, he explained, is not a winner."
This is a very sad development. The war in Iraq is the mother of all issues. What could bind one to a political movement if it made no issue of the war in Iraq? What other issue could create the passion and commitment to a group that was cool toward the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Sure, everything else the Bush administration is doing, like trying to destroy Social Security, giving ever greater control to the big money interests every day in its march toward a corporate totalitarian state needs to be opposed at every step. Every thing it does is lethal, destructive. But the war against Iraq is the mother of them all, it is the one central most criminal act of the lawless administration, and the evil from which all the others flow, and to which they return. For MoveOn to take such a position is baffling, and disheartening. has marshalled millions of Americans in support of a liberal agenda - in large part, by pointing out just how "spineless" our Democratic leaders are. Now that they've gotten they've assembled a formidable force, is following in the footsteps of cowardice, refusing to stand on principle despite the blinding consequences of not opposing Bush's war against the Iraqi people. Shame on them.

For those of us who recognize just how important developing an anti-war movement is, contributions are better invested in The Ruckus Society, an organization which unequivocally does NOT shirk its moral obligations simply because a particular issue "is not a winner."
Not a winner. I could not be more disgusted with, and would hope MoveOn supporters think twice about how their contributions are being used - or more importantly, not used.
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