IWT redux
I originally posted this at HZ on March 6th, here-- but it bears repeating and sharing with as wide a potentially receptive audience of non-stupid people as possible:
if you are as frustrated with the unrelenting crappiness and general triviality of network and cable tv news as I am, you might find the news of the existence of IWT exceptionally welcome. I hadn't even heard of them until Jonathan Schwarz mentioned them a few months ago. (A good thing too, because now I don't have to start my own television news network from scratch, something I wasn't particularly looking forward to doing as I think it would've taken up a lot of my time.)
from Schwarz:
In March I didn’t know how to copy n’ cut n’ paste stuff from screenshots, so here’s a nice little graphic from their website-- apparently they’re going to change their name to The Real News. I think it’s cheesy and the former name is preferable, but I’m no marketing expert, etc. Nevertheless, they’re still worth supporting and you should tell people about them and give them many buckets of money, or at least what you can.

IWT [Independent World Television] wants to build a real television news network without government funding or advertising revenue; essentially the plan is just to ask people for money. They are trying to appeal to the entire English speaking world, not just in the US but also Canada, England, Australia, even India.
In March I didn’t know how to copy n’ cut n’ paste stuff from screenshots, so here’s a nice little graphic from their website-- apparently they’re going to change their name to The Real News. I think it’s cheesy and the former name is preferable, but I’m no marketing expert, etc. Nevertheless, they’re still worth supporting and you should tell people about them and give them many buckets of money, or at least what you can.

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