A Lesson in Self-Consumption
There are a few reasons I can't help but laugh at the spectacle of gloating wingnuts who so joyfully served as the catalyst in disposing of Eason Jordan.
It is nothing less than an indictment of the Fascist Right and the "news" media that CNN is perceived by anyone as approximating "liberal" when, in fact, it is anything but. Candy Crowley? Wolfman Blitzer? Very funny. At best, CNN essentially ignores major news stories - whether it's the White House's implication in the Gannon/Guckert fake journalism (i.e. Propagandagate) or atrocities committed by American troops in Fallujah and elsewhere. At worst, they never miss an opportunity to present their master, George W. Bush and his bootlicking minions, in gloriously gilded frames. The economy's always coming 'round at CNN, and Junta Boy's poll numbers are always "good". Events in which protestors show up in droves only to be herded into First Amendment Zones (remember when America itself was a First Amendment Zone - oh, those were the days)... they're either overlooked entirely or suffer the slings and arrows of the insider CNN pundits who consistently undercount the numbers of protestors while sneering at their motivations.
CNN has bent over backwards to accommodate its frothing, raving rightwing extremist audience by becoming FOX News. What did they think was going to happen when they cozied up to the Brownshirt Demographic? Invitations to keg parties? Maybe a "Most Favored Fascist News" crown?
Don't think for a second that Eason Jordan is a victim of the web log phenomenon. Eason Jordan is a victim of the very fascism that he helped propagate daily by cultivating an audience of malicious conservatives. So when he presumably remarked - while playing the role of Mr. Important News Guy at the World Economic Forum - that journalists in Iraq had been targeted and killed by U.S. Armed Forces, his overfed chicken came home to roost. That's the thing about truth-telling: If you do it infrequently and then squeak out a true statement like a tepid fart at a wedding reception, it tends to take on the acrid aroma of a calculated lie.
If the red suits at CNN had a micron of integrity, they would have welcomed this controversy and rigorously defended Mr. Jordan's right to speak freely while consorting with other elitists. But how could they? After all, CNN doesn't report freely - and the murder of journalists by Sgt. Hero is a very, very newsworthy story. These are not easy things to square. So, instead, they took the easy route - as did Mr. Jordan, who sought to distance himself from his own remarks.
This is one Fascist Endeavor I welcome with open arms. As their warmonger leader once said, Bring it on. Because for each trophy collected by the nutjobs at Freeptrash Republic and Little Green Footballs, the grossly corrupt Fourth Estate will come a little bit closer to realizing its own folly.

A word of advice to any media folks reading this: Live by the fascist sword today and you may well be disemboweling yourself on it tomorrow. By serving your corporate masters at the expense of the American public, you have alienated the very people who would've once taken a bullet for your right to report - and speak - the truth. So as a result of the obvious contempt you display by thumbing your noses at those of us who know what "liberty" and "freedom" really mean, you're "free" to take that bullet all by yourselves.
Ladies and gentlemen of the press, it's not too late to rehabilitate yourselves by embarking on the gargantuan effort of restoring truth and integrity to your fallen profession. No one else can do it for you. You can't hide behind The Constitution indefinitely while subverting it by your reckless pursuit of Mammon. If you lack the fortitude to risk the wrath of The Fascists you currently serve, then you're in the wrong arena and your talents would be better put to use writing ad copy for Walmart -- but, hey, at least you'd get a promotion in the Social Status Department.
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